Returning Home – 10 Chapters to Wholeness

Returning Home  –  10 Chapters to Wholeness

The Yogilates classes are based on two aims. First, we work the body, strengthening it, making it more flexible and, most importantly, healthier, using what I call a ‘contained work-out’: we sweat,…

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

A ‘reflection’ with a song… ‘Don’t worry, be happy’ is a well known and beautiful statement. We hear it and we enjoy it, but when anything not so good happens to us,…

About Suffering

About Suffering

Hello, Carlos I have a question that has been on my mind for a long time: what is the meaning of suffering? I`ve been watching a documentary about the children's slaughter in…

Contradictory Emotions, and other subjects*

Contradictory Emotions, and other subjects*

Sandy: Hi Carlos, I have a couple of questions. First, I have to tell you that I'm feeling a lot better spiritually, because I finally freed myself from a dangerous illusion I'd…

The Truth About Smoking

The Truth About Smoking

I often wonder why people keep smoking given the fact that there is so much information about the problems associated with it. Everybody knows by now that smoking is not good; even a…

A Matter of Choice

A Matter of Choice

I was thinking today how everything we see, perceive, feel and think is only a point of view. For example problems—we all have problems and we all believe our problems are real—but…

Being Efficient, Being Aware

Being Efficient, Being Aware

Hi Carlos, I just took my reflection time for today so I`m writing to you with an aspect that has been on my mind for a while. Talking about being connected with…

The Media and Our Kids

The Media and Our Kids

I have been thinking about writing something about the media for a long time now, and reading these next two things almost one after the other has given me the impulse to…

Experiencing the Best of Life

Experiencing the Best of Life

Take a few moments and hear the sounds around you… yes now, just for a moment stop reading and pay attention to the sounds. What do you hear? May be the traffic,…