Thank you very much for the information you sent to me. I will read it with great interest, because it is what I really need at this moment. I am one of those students who will come to your class not for the gym, but for some answers I have been looking for. I am very grateful that I found this place and that I have you as a teacher. I wanted to let you know that Monday class meant a lot for me as I experienced something I have never had before.
– Valentina
Hi Carlos,
Finally, here are my thoughts and my experience about your teaching.
Your class is pure therapy. My god! Therapy for the mind for the soul and of course, for the body.
It’s not an exaggeration if I say it’s life changing…of course if you are prepared to accept it.
It has been great knowing you and be part of your classes. I could be tempted to say that I regret not coming sooner but based on what you taught us, it is not productive to thing like that :))
So I look forward to come back after the holidays,
– Andreea
I want to thank you very much for the kind encouragements for which you always find the gentle availability to give me! They really help me!
– Florentina
A short message to thank you for your classes – they really give me lots of energy. Your teachings are a very positive part in my life…I am not sure exactly how to say it…and I try every day to put them into practice.
The physical part – the gym – is also very helpful.
Thank you so much,
– Ada
Dear Carlos. I am amazed to see how in little steps I am getting more connected with my inner silence and I am more present and more open to what’s happening in the moment. After only a short while what I feel is somehow shocking! I am looking forward to discover more of myself in your classes. You rock!
– Claudia
I’m writing this to thank you for what you are doing!
I have attended a few of your class but my girlfriend is attending it twice per week.
She is very happy to come to your class, she comes back home with a positive attitude.
I often hear from her: “You know what Carlos said today?” And then we start talking about it. We try to apply it in everyday life. Enjoying the presence as you say.
It helps by living the life and getting out of the ugly-routine of “planning every moment what to do next”.
My girlfriend also has some medical problems and the exercise part from your class helps her. But the meditation part is as important.
Enjoy your vacation and don’t forget to come back 🙂
Because a lot of people here appreciate you!
– Ciprian
I want to thank you once again for every piece of energy that you gave me during the Yogilates Classes. You are a very special teacher and during the classes I often felt like you are from a different dimension. I think your mission is a very difficult one, because we all are with our heads down deep in a reality full with hectic energy, but somehow you still manage to inspire kindness and make us relax and feel at home.
I now understand a little bit more about what means to be present within myself.
Thank you,
– Cristina
I would like to thank you for this amazing experience you’re offering us through your classes and blog 🙂
– Claudia
I’ve only been to your classes 4 times, it’s my first month, but I just want to thank you for helping me embrace and appreciate the silence, instead of fearing it and running away from it.
– Delia
Thank you for today, I left feeling complete. You brought tears of joy into my eyes, twice, during the class, with what you were saying. I had a wonderful morning.
Thank you,
– Larissa
It’s been around 5-6 months since my first yoga class with you. Thank you!
There are many reasons for appreciating the yoga classes; my basic aim was to improve my balance and to strengthen my muscles.
It has become much more; enjoying the presence, the silence, the ambiance, the place, the colleagues, the time spent getting to the class, the time internalizing the exercises after the class, enjoying life and presence until the next class and so on.
Very grateful,
– Silvia
I want to thank you, Carlos for this wonderful classes….it clears my mind and start healing my soul!
– Simona.
Thank you Carlos!
These classes comes to me in a very good time.
Your writing comes as a very special gift of knowledge and I am thankful for.
– Letitia
I really want to thank you for yesterday class. It made me feel incredible! I feel the happiness transmitted even today! I don’t know how…after all it is a place where we do gym…but what is offered is priceless and very difficult to transmit in words…
Thank you very much,
– Susana
…yesterday class was one of the best for me. It helped a lot you introducing and keep repeating throughout the class the idea of not being elated if we succeed in some of the exercises or being down if we don`t. And somehow this helped me to have my focus on the presence while in the background I was exercising. In fact it was a profound experience or realization of not identifying with what you are doing.
I wanted to share this with you and thank you!
– Gabi
I just wanted to let you know that I am going back to Germany tomorrow. I just wanted to thank you. I really enjoyed the Yogilates classes; it has been a place for me where I can relax my mind and become present. In fact, the changes that are coming my way right now are for me to lead a happier and simpler life by enjoying more what is and learning to be with myself. Your teachings have helped me a lot.
I will continue reading your blogs and hope to see you again soon.
All the best and thank you again!
– Verena
Thank you very much for tonights’ session.
I admired your calm and open attitude and it felt very much like you are consistent with what you were talking about, consistent with just Being.
I enjoyed your presentation that had very helpful insights for a person not used with turning his/her attention to the universe within themselves.
I liked it that you mentioned the importance of “abdominal” breathing and the importance of posture while standing and while seated.
And perhaps the thing that had the most impact on me is facing myself with the question: where or in what do I place my happiness? Is it inside of me or outside of me?
I learned many things today not only through what you said, but trough the situation as a whole.
I feel really thankful for that,
– Letiția
I just wanted to thank you for today class. Although I thought I was not in the proper mood to come, after the class, my state of mind simply changed. In good, of course 🙂 I wanted you to know this. Thank you!
– Cristina
I am glad that I have “discovered” your classes. It is a challenge for me but I really feel good by the end of the class. Thank you.
– Irina
I had much clarity yesterday evening regarding the “main story of my life”. I became conscious about my theme some years ago, but it is not easy to let go these thinking paths and to live the present experience as it is.
You had a simple, clear and focused message about all this issue, it was funny and yet strong enough for everybody to recognise him/herself in this.
I hope each of us went home with the question: Which is the story from my past?
Thank you for all your efforts with us as a group.
– Anca
Thank you Carlos, for yesterday’s class. It was very revealing for me, because indeed up until yesterday, I was not aware that (or maybe I was, but not in the sense of doing something, to change..), in everything I do, I am not really present, I let my thoughts guide me, instead of been present in that moment, and enjoying it every minute. So thank you for this “wake-up ” feeling. 🙂
– Andreea
A while back I started a journey to get to know myself better (after a long period of being sad and out of touch with myself). Your classes have only been helping me in this way. My head is finally quiet and I have been living every day with joy and gratefulness for whatever the world has to offer me. People have noticed I am subtly smiling almost all the time and I think it’s due to the fact that I am getting to be at peace with myself more and more.
– Laura
I thought on you several time lately, noticed that we are already on February and you didn’t write to the group; each time I’ve wanted to write to you, but I thought that you need your time, there in India.
I’m very glad you are safe and in a very good mood. Of course I’m delighted to find out that you come back and you’ll continue to have the classes at Ota’s, because I deeply need them (sometimes I felt that I’m loosing my balance and I didn’t get the help from your classes). So please let me to be through the most enthusiastic persons who are waiting for you, in this frozen Bucharest.
– Dana
I would like to say thank you for helping me to change. I came for 5 or 6 times to yogilates but I honestly can say that I am happier, more optimistic and I discoverd the pleasure in being with myself.
I gave up a lot of addictions and I observe more my thoughts or actions.
Sometimes I see something as simple as ivy on the walls of a beautiful house on the street and it makes me smile or birngs me peace.
I have impoved my body posture and I really feel good after the classes.
Thank you for opening my mind and bringing me inspiration,
– Andreea
I want to thank you for being you. Meeting you and talking just a little bit with you, gave me the push I needed to start a new life on the road to self-discovery. The most important and the most fulfilling road of allJ.
– Alinda
Thank you again for everything you share with us, meeting you and starting yoga is one of the best things that happend to me in 2013.
– Andreea
I moved to Paris as I told you last time we talked at Ota and I just wanted to tell you that I really miss the yogilates classes, they really gave me balance and made me feel good. Thank you very much.
– Anca
I am reading a book where I’ve found a lot of topics you are talking about during the yogilates classes and also in your reflections.
I feel that I am understanding more and more deeply your sayings and I like the way they are changing my way of seeing life.
– Andrei
You asked me today how I felt and I said wonderful. I should have said like a new born baby because it feels closer to that than to anything else.
In the past couple of years I’ve felt almost constantly under this cloud as you call it, up to the point where I sometimes feel I can’t build new memories. Because I’m almost never present but either in thoughts about the past or in fears and insecurities about myself and the future. I also have ankylosing spondylitis which upsets me often, this being the reason why I initially started doing some sport. Although I try to look at it like a companion along the way that an enemy, it still made my body less of a friend due to the pain.
Hearing your words in the yoga class and starting to acknowledge this cloud I’m beginning to think that this is the actual disease. Living in a parallel world of thought. And indeed coming back and feeling alive again, even for a second sometimes, makes all the difference. So the reason I am writing you is to thank you for your words and for this wonderful class. I will make my best to come as often as I can, and to make my homework as often as possible 🙂 Coming back, feeling alive and becoming a friend with my own body again.
– Andreea
Deep from my heart I just want to tell you that your classes really touch my soul.
– Carmen
Your class was amazing, I just loved it and strongly recommended my Mum to join in 🙂
Apart from being physically challenging, it was a truly inspiring lesson and I´d love to attend one of your classes again soon.
– Ana Maria
This week I had a meeting with someone I haven’t seen for months and she told me that I look completely changed, more positive, radiant… a change which I kow that has occured since I came to your classes 🙂 The reason why I’d like to express my appreciation for your “presence” at your classes and the wonderful words and thoughts that you express through your blog 🙂
– Catalina
I am writing you as a recent friend of your yogilates classes that
I’ve taken part in this week. And as a confess I want to share, it was
one of the nicest mornings that I had, the day after finding my soul
and body in a perfect harmony.
– Corina
Carlos, solo te queria felicitar por la clase de ayer. Me encanto! de hecho, siempre me encanta! 🙂 Te lo digo que me gusta compartir la alergia, que a tu vez la trasmintes, es efecto bumeran!
Y el espacia que has elejido para dar la clase me parece de suenio! Much as gracias.
– Figan
Thank you for the relaxing time on your class, on Saturday. It was the first time to experiment Yogilates, but I want to thank you for your calming presence. I was in not so happy day, let’s say, but you made it easier.
– Roxana
I have in my mind the power of the presence that I lived each session with you!
There is something that will always remain like an atitude towards my body & mind moving.
Thank you and again from all my heart.
– Daniela
Hello Carlos, I am so sorry that I couldn’t come to your class this autumn. I was busy in the evenings with shows or other things. I am thinking so many times of you and your way of being, it gives me so much peace and healthy breath. More than you think. Thank you for what you gave me in that short period of time that I was beside you.I read so many motivated thoughts and learnings of what life means, of what we are and how can we live this life in a better way. I am trying every day to touch this very moment of it, to feel the love that I have in me and to give it back to everyone arround me.This is the reason that I’m thinking so often to your peacefull smile, it gives me strength and happyness. I can’t hardly wait that day that I can come back to the class.
– Anca
…and speaking about appreciation, I can not thank you enough for your effort in keeping us alive .
– Paula
Just a quick message to let you know that I am still missing your yogilates classes a lot. There is nothing here that even comes close…
Otherwise, I am well, life in Budapest is great, my work is wonderful, and the family are all well and happy. Life is beautiful!
– Zsuzsana
Your teachings have been a revelation to me. Thank you very much,
– Alexandra
Thank you for the wonderful class!
I felt so good with all the people there, sharing the uniqueness of every moment.
I appreciated also that the class was not so stressful for the body, especially the knees. I really felt that the gym was also a tool for the mind.
– Dora
I would like to say that after almost 2 years of attending your course, now I get what you were saying in all these years, in the sense that now ” I see what you mean”- it’s hard to explain, but anyway a very big Thank you! from my part and keep doing the amazing things and that you’re sharing all these with us 🙂
– Cristina
No tuve mucho tiempo para hablar con vos pero quisiera decirte que me
hicieron mucho bien las clases desde que empecé. No soy muy flexible
pero ya me di cuenta que puedo realizar ejercicios que antes no
hubiera podido hacer. Tomé más confianza en mi misma y en mi cuerpo,
como si antes me pusiera trabas. Siento que progreso y me hace bien…
asi que gracias Carlos !
– Anne