
Life stories

Teacher, Yoga Trainer and Author, Carlos L’Abbate brings us a unique vision on life in our continuous journey for discover our true self: “Life is a magnificent and beautiful adventure. But we need to learn to see life this way”

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Carlos, the life changer

When I met him I was truly a nervous wrack, completely stressed, on the edge of explosion. Then I met him and left there as if floating on a small cloud. Meeting Carlos L’Abbate really makes you think about what is important and gives you a state of well being.

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I discovered Yogilates in 2010 in Bucharest and I started reading more about this hybrid concept which combines Yoga and Pilates and which harmonizes the body and the soul, but I only got to Carlos’s classes only in 2011, as an escape from the every day life and with purpose of rediscovering my internal Balance. The article below talk about this modern current, new in Romania, and its multiple advantages for the health. Enjoy :).

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Learn to “let go” with Carlos L’Abbate

Last week, Thursday, at Irina Wagner’s invitation, we participated together with some journalists at a yogilates class with Carlos L’Abbate, at Ota. I hope that, once you read the stuff below, you don’t spend any more time thinking about it and free some time in your daily schedule at least to one class of yogilates. And after that you will understand what’s up with Carlos’s smile below 🙂

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today I got it!

Wow, I am happy, I am writing fast: for a while now Carlos L’Abbate at the yogilates class keeps saying to drop our thoughts. To silence the mind, to leave unnnecessary thoughts, you know…stuff like this.
Not easy to understand. It’s like you understand but still not at all.
What is that ‘to silence the mind’?? Well the mind, the intelligence, imagination, the wishes, the plans, the solution research, the memories, the analysis…a lot to grind up there, how to stop the mill, and Carlos especially, why?? It is as if he is not normal, against the grain, against the nature and especially logics.

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What’s up Doc?

Jojo is relaxing at the yogilates classes

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Yogilates – Inspired Style

Yoga is an old tradition and is mostly based on the body’s elasticity, helping to maintain it healthy. Pilates is a newer tradition and, shortly put, it works more with the muscles and helps the body to become stronger.

About Yogilates

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