I have created this new mailing list for people who are really interested in delving deeper into presence, which includes creating a quiet mind, understanding what presence really is, valuing presence in a deeper way, and actually practicing presence.
As I often say, the Yoga classes I teach are like a wonderful ‘charging station’ where while working the body we reconnect with presence. But often this is not enough because soon after them we may get very lost, very absorbed by our everyday life. For many people, everyday life is like entering a deep hole of problems and worries and plans and needs and difficulties that makes us forget some of the most fundamental aspects of our life: that we exist, that we are essentially happy beings, that we love, that it is beautiful and a great gift to be alive… that we are life itself.
If you subscribe to this list, you will receive little reminders, quotes, small exercises, invitations to events and other things that will help you pause the momentum of the day by bringing you back into your own presence, into yourself. (This is an experiment for me, so the whole idea may keep evolving in time).
These reminders, from the point of view of your usual thoughts, will be a disturbance, a distraction, an interference for your everyday life. But from the point of view of presence, they will be like a ‘breath of fresh air’, a moment to return to yourself, to what you really are.
If you are interested, please sign up here.
If you see later that this is not something you are actually interested in, you can sign out very easily.
Please let me know if you have any questions here.