Books by Carlos L’Abbate

Pause for a Moment

In today’s world, we rarely give ourselves time to stop chasing our never-ending desires in order to delve deeper and reflect on life. Who am I, really? What am I doing here? Why all of this? What is its meaning? Why do I suffer? Is there a way out of it?

This is the main reason for this book: to help people pause for a moment, and either find some silence or go above and beyond everyday practicalities and think about some of these questions.

Keep it by your bed or take it in your bag and, once in a while, wherever you are, take a brief pause, open it, and read. If a thought doesn’t speak to you, let it go. But if it finds you in the right moment, let your mind briefly rise above your daily problems and ponder its meaning, allowing yourself to discover a different perspective on life.

328 pages
11.5 x 17.5 cm
Language: English
The book will be available in Cărturești
You can also order a copy here.

About Presence

About Presence is a collection of short notes inspired by the author’s search for truth and by the discussions with his students and mentors. No ‘spiritual jargon’, no examples that seem far-fetched. Simple, clear, down-to-earth writing, that points to the true nature of ourselves.

Language: English
The book is available in Cărturești.
You can also order a copy here.

Despre prezență

This is the translation in Romanian of “About Presence”. You can find it at Editura Vellant and in most bookstores.

Florin Tudose, the translator, says: „Cartea de fata ajuta. Ajuta cu adevarat. Pentru ca autorul ei a gasit, cumva, calea de-a condensa ani multi de cautari si de practica spirituala in cuvinte clare si explicatii simple. […] Carlos e un medic de suflete. Din categoria celor sinceri si fara ambitii ascunse care sa le otraveasca subteran demersul. Din cei din care lumea n-a avut niciodata suficienti.”

Read here the translator’s intro to the book.

Despre prezență (audiobook)

I am very glad to let you know that the audio of my book ‘Despre Prezență‘ is out!
It is read by Florin Piersic Jr in his well known profound and beautiful voice.
I truly hope you will enjoy it.
You can find the audiobook here.

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This is how you reach the audiobook:
Step 1. Create an account on
Step 2. Search for “Despre prezență” on the website and unlock the audiobook.
Step 3. Download it in the application for offline listening.
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