This Moment IS Your Life

We need to learn to make our life about this moment because our life IS this moment.

I don’t mean by this that we should forget the past. No! We need to remember the past, to remember what we did, what we did not do, how we did it, so we can learn from the past. And of course we need to plan for the future. It is not possible to live a practical life without planning for the future. 
But these two things should not become our main objectives in life. 
They are the practicalities of life; they are very important and fundamental in order to live a practical life, but they are not what our life, essentially, should be about. 

This is how most people live their lives, younger people about the future and older people about the past. 
But life is neither about the past nor about the future, but about the connection with this moment…the full connection with this moment. 

This moment.

This moment.

This moment. 

We need to make the connection with this moment a priority in the sense that we need to give it our full attention, to make it something important and very valuable, to give it our love. 

What often happen is that we are so busy, so stressed, so anxious, that we don’t have time for this. Our job, the family, our health, the outside problems take all our attention. 

But our life is not about our job, is not about our family, is not about making money, is not about our health, is not about our kids, is not about the war, is not about politics…our life is about this moment; whatever appears in this moment, that is what our life is about. 
We need to learn to connect and live fully this moment. 

Many people think that living a full life means traveling a lot, partying a lot, having lots of sex, or having big experiences. Of course there is nothing wrong with traveling or parting or having sex or having a great experience, but there is never an end to these things. The more we travel, for example, the more we want to travel. The more parties we go, the more parties we want to go. After we finish our travel or had a great party, what is the first thing that comes to mind? When can I do it again!! 

There is no problem at all in doing any of these things, but we need to understand that there is no lasting fulfillment in there. 

A fulfilled life does not mean traveling or parting a lot, but it means to live fully this moment. 
If in this moment you are traveling you live fully this moment, and if you are not traveling, you live fully this moment. 

Living fully means paying attention, and paying attention is to love.
In many relationships, for example, what is usually lacking is attention. A person may think that he/she loves his/her partner, and it may very well be true, but if there is no attention, no matter how much we say we love, the other person will not feel it. 

Attention, the way I refer here, means looking, sensing, touching, connecting, loving the object of our attention, being a thing, a person or this moment. 

Notice this moment. 
You are breathing. You hear sounds. You see the colors. You feel sensations in your body. You have thoughts in your mind…probably many thoughts. You feel tense, or stressed, or quiet, or tired. 
Feel what you feel, see what you see, touch what you touch…notice that you are!

Pay attention. 
There is no other life. 
This is it. 

This moment IS your life. 

Categories: Uncategorized

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