I believe it is being able to give to the world the love we have in our hearts, in little or big ways.
We all, without exception, have a certain inner talent, one that is often hidden because of our own ideas of what our talent/s should be.
Success is the possibility to discover that inner talent and offer it to the world with all our love.
It can be cooking, or singing, or gardening, or curing, or painting, or cleaning, or creating, or teaching, or building, or…there are so many possibilities! *
In this view, a person that make millions doing something that is not in his/her heart nor is it done with love, is not a successful person, even if the whole world sees success in that.
And it is precisely because almost the whole of our modern society sees success in this twisted way that it is so difficult to see beyond.
For success, the act, the doing itself, needs to come from the heart as a desire to love.
Depending on karma/destiny, that action will be big and be seen by millions or will be very small and be seeing by nobody, but in either case, a person consistently acting in this way will be a successful person.
If we are interested in ‘true success’, and only if we are interested in this, we should not care if the action is big or small, if it can be seen or not; we should only care if the action comes from the heart and is made of love.
The rest is only crumbs.
* Although not directly related to this note, at this point someone may ask: what happen in the moments when we are not able to give to the world? The answer is simple to say, not so easy to do… The answer is: we remain inside, connected to the fulness of our being, at peace, in awe of the amazingness of existence.